Anthology Of Fools

Conflict Of Atheist & Believer


Atheists proclaim the tenets of a science they fail to embrace as apostates. And while they ignorantly criticize religion and the Bible, they surrender their own gift of reason to contend with blind believers of the simple faith.  By design, the scriptures were written to be historically inaccurate -- and the most esteemed religious authorities called those who are so naive to believe the written word, idiots and gullible fools.   But the scriptures have a Divine Purpose that is beyond the comprehension of carnal man - which is to open the Inner Door to the person's own soul and spiritual natures, and ultimately the Kingdom of God. Modern science has proven that these inner dimensions of consciousness that are beyond the physical exist, and are in fact the force that controls all things in this world.  In rejecting their own science, Atheists and unbelievers are more dead and irrational than the religious people they judge and condemn!

Proof That Atheists Are Without Cause To Criticize the Church: Unknowingly, what they criticize is the very design and purpose of the scriptures and the manner in which they are composed.  While neither the Atheist or blind believer will accept this statement, there will come a time when both pass from this life where they will find themselves in the same boat on opposite sides.   The believers will be there because they blindly embraced the symbols of the scriptures and never moved beyond what the Apostle portrays and the "letter that killeth" -- i.e, the written word.   The Atheists will be in the same boat on the opposite side, because they condemned the symbols of the scriptures without ever attempting to understand either the traditions these writings were composed in, or the deeper knowledge that they conveyed.   Like the believer of the simple faith, the Atheists are themselves fooled by the allegorical garb that was purposely designed to be beyond rational belief.   And while in this life each has vehemently opposed the other -- carrying their conflict into every time and culture that mankind has traveled -- each surrendering the very element of mind that sets us apart from the wild and untamed beasts that roam the earth, which is the gift of reason -- both equally fail to perceive the true inner meaning of these sacred writings that has the power to enlighten the disciple to All Mysteries of Life and Creation.

In the words of St. Augustine: “What the apostle says pertains to this problem: 'For the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth', that is, when that which is said figuratively is taken as though it were literal, it is understood carnally.  Nor can anything more appropriately be called the death of the soul than that condition in which the thing which distinguishes us from beasts, which is the understanding, is subjected to the flesh in the pursuit of the letter.  He who follows the letter takes figurative expressions as though they were literal and does not refer the things signified to anything else” (De Doctrina Christiana).

When St. Augustine quotes Paul with regard to the statement “the letter killeth, but the spirit” makes alive, he is making reference to those who read the scriptures literally as historic narratives vs those who perceive the inner meaning of what is written.   “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?”  Writes the Apostle Paul to those who want to read the written word literally.   “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.  But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).  The absurdity of these words is seen in the fact that the Jews claim to be the decedents of Abraham, and the genealogy of Jesus names Abraham as an ancestor -- and yet, Paul rightfully condemns an adherence to the written word because of the reasoning: Can a physical man or group of people be born from an allegory?   And yet, once the inner spiritual meaning is comprehended, we are then able to understand how all spiritually evolved people are born from the seed of Abraham.

From The Atheist Perspective: The Bible itself tells us in the above words that the literal text is an allegory -- i.e., a series of forms and symbols that are used to covey deeper truths and realities that often cannot be expressed in a literal context.   What this means is that the Atheist is correct when he points out the historic abnormalities and impossibilities of the written word.   Didn't the Church Father Origen -- the man known as the greatest Christian theologian after the Apostles -- write, and warn those who attempt to read the Bible literally in an historical sense: “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning, were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven.   What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil?  I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).   

So when the Atheist argues that the literal/historical text of the Bible is inaccurate, this position has been well confirmed by the most esteemed authorities in both Judaism and the ancient Christian Church.   In fact, the scriptures were purposely composed so that the intelligent mind would quickly be able to perceive the counterfeit nature of the written literal text.  A man of reason will ask: If there was no sun, moon and stars, how could there have been a day, night and dawn of a new day?   “What man of sense”, Origen asks, will blindly believe such statements?   He called them idiots!  This fundamental question that Origen asks is very similar to that asked by Jesus with regard to the blindness of the Sadducees and Pharisees who also attempted to read the scriptures literally.   Who could believe that God planted trees in the Garden of Eden which gave to the eater the knowledge of good and evil, while the fruit of another tree gave eternal life?   These things are not history, writes Origen, but rather “images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”.   Origen explains that the scriptures are an allegory that conceal the deeper truths of the spirit, and writes: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”

The Witness Of The Apostle Peter: When Clement (Clementine Homilies) ask Peter concerning the many things in scripture that are not true -- things that Atheists criticize and believers blindly accept, he said: “Truly I rejoice, and I give thanks to God, who in all things doeth well. However, he knows that I shall be able to think nothing other than that all things are for God. Wherefore do not suppose that I ask questions, as doubting the words concerning God, or those that are to be spoken, but rather that I may learn, and so be able myself to instruct another who is ingenuously willing to learn. Wherefore tell me what are the falsehoods added to the Scriptures, and how it comes that they are really false. Then Peter answered: Even although you had not asked me, I should have gone on in order, and afforded you the exposition of these matters, as I promised. Learn, then, how the Scriptures misrepresent Him in many respects, that you may know when you happen upon them”.

In his Ecclestical History Eusebius writes that: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees”.   In these words we are provided great insight into the true heresy of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and why Jesus condemned them as being blind guides.   When it is realized that Jesus was born among the Essenes, who were Gnostic, and a people who comprehended the inner meaning of the Law, we begin to understand that the true focus of the conflict in in the New Testament was the spiritual Israelites vs the carnal Jews.   On the side of the spiritual Israelites was Jesus and the Essenes -- who perceived the true meaning of the scriptures as the guide that assists the disciple in opening the doors to the true Temple of God.   The Pharisees and Sadducees, on the other hand, read the scriptures literally -- and were under the erroneous belief that God dwells in temples made with man's hands -- and employed a body of priests -- and approved a series of sacrifices, rituals and observances. 

The Atheist's Folly: The essence of religions such as Judaism and Christianity have nothing to do with the literal and historical accuracy of the text of the scriptures.   In fact, the authors have done everything in their power to force the reader to look beyond the literal meaning of the text.  On this very issue, Origen is quoted pertaining to this biblical fact in the Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics: “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning”.

What does this mean?   “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history” -- or, there exists events reported in what, on the surface appears to be history, that never actually happened.   Why?  Why would the scriptures contain events that never physically happened?   In answer to this question Origen writes: “ order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning”.   What Origen is stating is that to read scripture as history is a worthless endeavor!   And this is the same meaning as expressed in the writings of the Jewish Mystics as seen in the words: "Thus the tales related in the Torah are simply her outer garments, and woe to the man who regards that outer garb as the Torah itself, for such a man will be deprived of portion in the next world..." (see No Jew Has Read The Torah ).   So in view of the facts -- in conjunction with the witness of the most esteemed Jewish and Christian religious authorities, the only argument that Atheists have against religion is that they don't like the manner in which religious holy men have chosen to present their truths to the reader.   That the Bible is historically inaccurate, is not an argument that can be made by Atheists, because these writings were purposely written so that they could not be literally believed!  That the Atheists have failed to take the time to investigate as to why the scriptures are purposely written in this manner -- and have thus surrendered their own gift of reason in condemning the traditions of these sacred writings -- only demonstrates the folly and wholesale ignorance of the Atheists.   In his celebrated work, De Principiis, Origen wrote concerning the factualness of the literal narrative of the scriptures: “Where the word found that things done according to the history could be adapted to these mystical senses, he made use of them concealing from the multitude the deeper meaning; but where in the narrative of the development of super-sensual things, there did not follow the performance of those certain events which were already indicated by the mystical meaning, the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place, sometimes what could not have happened; sometimes what could but did not.”    Why?   As stated by Origen in the words that  “ order that the worthlessness of the [literal text] may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning”.    And since the whole purpose of religion is to prepare the disciple to receive the spiritual revelation, then the biblical texts were written so they could not be believed historically.


Are The Religious Traditions Counterfeit?

Modern Science Has Already Proven The Validity of Religion!



In view of the above I have demonstrated that what the Atheists are protesting is the manner in which spiritual truths are presented to the people who lack depth of spiritual comprehension -- finding fault with this method of conveying essential truths without any understanding whatsoever as to why they are presented in this manner -- and without any comprehension of why, they are condemning what they don't understand -- especially in view of the fact that the authors of the scriptures have all stated that there is no means to convey the mysteries of man's soul and spiritual realities in a literal traditional manner.   

The Universe is a Great Mind: In his 1951 textbook on quantum theory, Bohm offered some interesting speculations on the analogies between quantum processes and thought processes, thus carrying further the celebrated statement made by the astronomer James Jeans two decades earlier: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine”; and the statement by astronomer Arthur Eddington:  “The stuff of the universe is mind-stuff”.   More recently, cyberneticist David Foster described “an intelligent universe” whose apparent concreteness is generated by cosmic data from an unknowable, organized source.   The holographic theory says that: “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”  

What is the impact of these findings of modern science?   The reality that is being conveyed is that what we perceive as solid physical matter, is being interpreted in this manner because our brains interpret that frequency to make what we see appear concrete.   Moreover, what it also means is that we perceive only a fraction of Creation because our brains, which by virtue of the fact of their physical nature, can only detect frequencies that are within the same spectrum.   In the same way that in order to be effective, an antenna must possess the physical characteristics that enables it to receive a certain range of the frequencies that the device (radio, TV, wireless phone, etc.) is intended to operate within, our physical mind and bodies are designed to function within a certain spectrum of Creation -- and this is predicated by the fact that our physical nature is composed of the elements that are of this world.  

Atheists And Believers Are Afflicted With The Same Flaw:  In the same way that the blind believer only sees the allegorical text of the scriptures and looks no further than the "letter that killeth", the Atheists attempts to use antiquated junk science to prove that there is nothing beyond the world that we see with our physical senses, and the scriptures are therefore a fraud because they portray other realities beyond the physical.   Thus, the answer to both the Atheists and believers dilemma is seen in the warning that natural man only utilizes less than 10% of his potential of mind, in conjunction with the fact that we dwell in “an intelligent universe” and “…our brains mathematically construct hard reality by interpreting frequencies from a dimension transcending time and space.   The brain is a hologram, interpreting a holographic universe.”    Just as important is the fact that we only use less than ten percent of our potential of mind which corresponds to the ten percent (physical) spectrum of frequencies with which we interact with in this world, because very few of us have ever trained and developed our minds to go beyond this natural organic limitation.   Because the body is physical -- and our attention is focused in the physical spectrum of the intelligent holographic universe -- only those areas of the mind that relate to this physical world are developed without serious intervention on the part of the individual.   Once we begin to comprehend these fact -- and strive to overcome the three-dimensional barrier of mind that corresponds to this world -- only then can we begin to comprehend the constant biblical assertion that carnal man is blind to higher reality.

That both the Bible and modern science continually warns the people that man in his natural organic state of mind neither understands what he sees with his physical eyes -- and perceives only a very limited perception of reality -- is easily confirmed in the above statements by the modern scientist.   What this equates to is conformation of the many truths that biblical holy-men and prophets have invariably declared and warned us about with respect to the fact that what we see is not concrete -- and what we see with our physical eyes appears to us as solid matter, only because our physical brains are wired in such a way so as to interpret it in this manner.  

Fundamentally this means that what we see when we look out into the world is a very limited perception of reality, and equates to nothing more than the same ten percent of our potential of mind that we are limited to using by nature -- i.e., men and women who use less than ten percent of their potential of mind are only capable of perceiving less than ten percent of the totality of Creation and the world in which they dwell.  Yet, to our own demise, we fail to embrace the reality that men such as Martin Luther, Darwin, our many scholars and philosophers throughout the history of the world, the people who teach our children, the political and religious leaders who convey to us their very incomplete and limited religious doctrines, quasi-scientific theories, and philosophies about life, all have failed to overcome the very flaw in human reasoning that caused the Apostle Paul to both condemn the wisdom of this world as foolishness, and warn us that the people of the simple faith do not comprehend the Spiritual Gospel of Messiah/Christ!   Yet, we ignore the wisdom of the Apostle, and erroneously believe that man can attain to higher understanding while still using less than ten percent of his potential of mind -- a ten percent that only detects a very limited and suppressed spectrum of the totality of Creation.   The problem is that to recognize the great dilemma that confronts man is not enough -- only a truly Great Soul possess the vision and experience to lead others to the Kingdom of Light that lies beyond the barriers of this world -- and when Constantine and his forces of darkness snuffed out the lives of the true disciples of Jesus, all of mankind has paid the price!

What Is Solid Matter? 

A Vibratory Frequency Our Brains Interpret As Concrete 

In a February 1979 Psychology Today interview with brain scientist Karl Pribram, the world which he attempted to describe confirmed the vision witnessed by the Hebrew prophet and confirmed in the Bible: “It isn’t that the world of appearances is wrong; it isn’t that there aren’t objects out there, at one level of reality.   It’s that if you penetrate through and look at the universe with a holographic system, you arrive at a different reality, one that can explain things that have hitherto remained scientifically inexplicable: paranormal phenomena… synchronicities, the apparently meaningful coincidence of events”.

What Karl Pribram was attempting to warn us is that the universal voice of the prophet throughout the ages was correct -- that what we perceive as solid objects is not solid at all -- and they appear to us as concrete objects because our physical senses cause them to be seen as being solid.   This fact is not only true, but it is conformation that in many instances, those in the past who were condemned as religious heretics, were not the heretics -- but rather, the genuine visionaries who were able to perceive the true depth of both the material world, as well as the religious teachings that enable man to overcome the obstacle which confronts and binds him to this deceptive physical reality.  

Now that science has itself evolved beyond the very limited perception of men such as Darwin, it has become possible for us to begin to perceive that what scientist Karl Pribram was attempting to explain with respect to what is continually presented throughout the scriptures, and is very clearly portrayed in the Gospel of Luke: “So all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, and rose up and thrust Him out of the city; and they led Him to the brow of the hill on which their city was built, that they might throw Him down over the cliff. Then passing through the midst of them, He went His way” (Luke 4:28-30 NKJ).   What Jesus did was simply withdraw the presence of his physical body from being able to be detected by the carnal minds of the men who were attempting to kill him -- i.e., he altered the frequency that he emanated -- and simply walked right through the midst of them to safety.

Once we begin to understand this greater reality of Creation that has been revealed to us by the modern scientist, we start to realize that the same obstacle that has existed throughout the ages of the past continues to plague and limit us to this very day.   In his Preface to Stalking The Wild Pendulum, by Itzhak Bentov, William A. Tiller, Materials Sciences Department, Stanford University writes: “The present scientific establishment has grown somewhat fossilized by its current world picture and is locked into a view of reality that has outlived its usefulness.  It has begun to limit mankind’s growth and has so increased its sense of specialization, separateness, materiality, and mechanical computer-like functioning that it is in real danger of self-extermination”.   Yet this fossilized science is still being promoted among our school children -- it remains as the founding principle upon which our culture is based -- it is being used to inhibit both religion and freedom in our present-day culture -- and has greatly limited the ability of man to function in his true multidimensional and spiritual reality.

Man Perceives Creation

Through The Filter Of His Beliefs About Life 


The text of Itzhak Bentov’s book itself reveals that: “The quantum theory asserts that there is no way one can measure some sets of things, like momentum and position, together very accurately... because the consciousness of the experimenter interacts with the experiment itself.   Therefore, it becomes possible that the attitude of the experimenter must also influence the outcome of any particular experiment”.  

Thus, we begin to contemplate the interrelatedness of mind and matter and the fact that our whole politically correct culture has become an obstacle to the advancement of mankind.   In the very narrow linear perception of the “fossilized” world-view that is taught in science class in our schools today, the idea that the mind of the experimenter can impact the results of the experiment itself is simply beyond the scope of understanding.   If everything we see is a detached, separate inanimate object, then we have no means to even contemplate how the mind of a person can affect the outcome of a given experiment? That there is an unseen connection between mind and matter, and man is able to consciously and unconsciously effect what we perceive as inanimate objects with his own patterns of thought, means that our present-day cultural and quasi-scientific perception of Creation itself is defective.   Moreover, when we attempt to interpret the scriptures through the filter of our flawed vision and inherent understanding, it is impossible for us to even begin to perceive the true depth and revelation of the Word of God!   The problem is that we can never start to embrace man’s true reality, until we begin to acknowledge and recognize that what we see is only a fragment of the whole picture of any given object.

Robert Jastrow, an astrophysicist who heads NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, pointed out that the big bang is not exactly an explanation of cause.   He is quoted in The Aquarian Conspiracy: “If a scientist really examines the implications, he would be traumatized.  As usual, when the mind is faced with trauma, it reacts by ignoring the implications - in science this is called ‘refusing to speculate’ - or by trivializing the origin of the world by calling it the Big Bang, as if the universe were merely a firecracker”.

Mr. Jastrow then continues and states: “Consider the enormousness of the problem: Science has proved that the universe exploded into being at a certain moment.  It asks, what cause produced this effect?  Who or what put the matter and energy into the universe?  Was the universe created out of nothing or was it gathered together out of pre-existing materials?  And science cannot answer these questions... It is not a matter of another year, another decade of work, another measurement, or another theory.  At this moment it seems as though science will never be able to raise the curtain on the mystery of creation”.

In the realization that traditional scientific inquiry can never provide the answers to life, thoughtful physicists in greater number have begun to notice the curious parallels between their own findings and ancient mystical descriptions of reality.   These similarities were pointed out in the book, The Tao Of Physics, by Fritjof Capra, and The Dancing Wu Li Masters by Gary Zukav.   Zukav’s book takes its title from the Chinese expression for physics, wu li, which he translates as “patterns of organic energy”, and writes: “Bell’s theorem not only suggests that the world is quite different than it seems, it demands it.   Something very exciting is happening.   Physicists have ‘proved’ rationally that our rational ideas about the world in which we live are profoundly deficient”.

Bell’s theorem, which was proposed in 1964 by J.S. Bell, a physicist working in Switzerland, was first confirmed experimentally in 1972.  Physicist Henry Stapp, in a 1975 federal report called it the most “profound discovery of science”.   Bell’s theorem succeeds in exhibiting the bizarre nature of the subatomic world.   Experiments show that if paired particles which are identical twins in their polarity fly apart, and the polarity of one is changed by an experimenter, the polarity of the other particle changes instantaneously.   Even though they appear to us as separate, the particles remain mysteriously connected regardless of the fact that there is no physical connection.   The problem is that the mind of man in it’s natural organic state is simply incapable of perceiving the far-reaching ramifications of this great truth -- and even less prepared to comprehend the results of the intertwining connections that are maintained not only between individuals and groups of people, but between the past, the present, and future.



Matter - What Is It?

A Blemish Created by Colliding And Interacting Fields Of Energy 


In his book, Urbausteine der Materie, physicist Walter Thirring wrote about matter that modern physics “has put our thinking about the essence of matter in a different context.   It has taken our gaze from the visible - the particles - to the underlying entity, the field.   The presence of matter is merely a disturbance of the perfect state of the field at that place; something accidental, one could almost say, a ‘blemish’.   Accordingly, there are no simple laws describing the forces between elementary particles… Order and symmetry must be sought in the underlying field.”

Stop reading!  Do not unconsciously skim over these words of the modern scientist that confront you with a universal reality that if we fail to understand, enslaves each and every person who dwells in this world today!   These words represent such a great revelation to the mind of modern man whose cultural mindset totally alienates him from his own true reality, that I believe every reader should ask themselves what this statement by a respected physicist means to them?   What is the relationship of these words to your present life?   How do they impact what you believe?   Once it is understood that our lives are not only controlled, but predestined prior to our birth into this physical world by the combination of interweaving fabric of law, mind and spirit that comprises the makeup of the elements of the field that surrounds us -- acting as a filter that colors both our vision and perceptions of life -- elements that cause us to be either a victim or predator, successful or unsuccessful, lucky, fortunate or a total failure in life -- are all the result of the pattern of organic energy the interacts between a person’s field and every aspect of their lives.   Moreover, true change, development and transformation can only be brought about when one begins to alter the source of the events and personal agenda of one’s life that is found embedded in what the scientist describes as the field.

Modern Christianity Not What Jesus Taught: What few of us will realize is the fact that these words with respect to the all-encompassing impact of the field as it interacts with what we perceive as physical matter, are in fact the (scientific) equivalent of the conclusion spoken by biblical scholar A. Powell Davies with respect to the relationship between modern religious doctrine and the Dead Sea Scrolls when he said: “Biblical scholars were not disturbed by what they found in the Dead Sea Scrolls because they had known all along that the origin of Christianity was not what was commonly supposed to have been” (quoted by Millar Burrows in More Light on the Dead Sea Scrolls).  

What physicist Walter Thirring is stating to us is that everything we are presently teaching our children in our modern-day educational systems is not only grave and disturbing error, but is in fact detrimental to a proper understanding of Life and Creation.   The Bible reveals to us that there are two ways -- i.e., the narrow path to Life, and the broad-way that the majority of people travel in this world to their own destruction.   While it is true that our present-day understanding of the Gospel is deficient, we must ask ourselves what is the alternative?   Ultimately, what this means is that if you reject religion and put your faith in the Darwinist junk science that is being promoted today, you will die -- and once this fact is recognized, it can be said that if you are a responsible parent you will immediately remove your children from the government system of public schools.   Why?   Because what our children are taught is political, and has nothing in common with man’s true reality.  

What are the implications to this more enlightened understanding about the relationship between matter and what we perceive through our physical senses, and the realm which we do not see which the scientist calls the field?   Because the very foundation of our thinking is in error -- i.e., a philosophy founded upon the idea that the physical world and matter is the self-generating source of life and Creation -- everything we build upon that foundation is equally in error!   What this means is that everything we are teaching our children in science class -- philosophy -- our historical and cultural literature -- as well as the very goals and objectives that we are using to influence and mold the thinking of our children -- are all injurious to their well-being.   Why?   In the words of the respected man of science: Because reality is in the field that our physical eyes and natural organic minds are incapable of detecting -- and what we perceive with our physical eyes is merely the “blemish” that occurs -- something that he describes as a disturbance, and even an accident -- when these fields intersect.   If, then, we desire to see reality, and begin to teach our children reality, then we must begin to develop those parts of our mind that has the ability to detect the field, and learn to observe the movement of the field that is the source of what appears to us from a physical perspective.  

How We Survive Physical Death

Physical Body Is Created Where Opposing Fields Of Mind Interact: What the physicist is telling you is that your physical body that you observe in the mirror – the physical form that you use to present yourself to the world around you -- is in fact caused by a disturbance in your own, personal field -- and it is this field that you do not see, that causes a blemish in this realm that we perceive through the eyes that has been formed out of this blemish.   Again, if what we observe in this world as being concrete, is not really concrete, but merely a frequency that our brain interprets in a concrete manner, then we have the means to develop our mind in order to permit it to detect the full spectrum of frequencies that make up the totality of all of Creation.   Can we do this?   Both the Bible and the holy men and women of the past convey to us that an enlightened vision and understanding of life is not only possible, but it is our eventual destiny.   Thus, the problem is seen in the fact that man’s true reality is neither addressed, acknowledged, or acted upon in any intelligent manner by our politically correct culture that controls the heartbeat of society today.   From our modern scientific perspective, the Darwinist perception of Creation amounts to little more than junk-science, while the findings of genuine science has become as a cult that is not even discussed in our modern educational systems.   To the detriment of our own children, what we teach instead is secular dogma -- anti-religious secular dogma -- that has absolutely no basis in fact.  

If we could but for a brief moment gaze at this world from the perspective of higher reality, what we would immediately realize is that what science is learning about Creation today was in fact elementary to the eyes and understanding of the Hebrew-Christian visionary of the past.   Thus, the great dilemma: It is one thing through scientific endeavor to become aware that these other dimensions exist, and become cognizant of the impact they have upon this world -- and still quite another to move in and out and explore these other realms of existence.   Moreover, all these scientific theories that we have newly discovered today, is not new at all -- and have been well established in the scriptures and the writings of the prophets and visionaries since the dawn of time.   How can this be, you will ask?   Simple!   If we are to even begin to come to terms with our own higher reality and purpose of life, it is absolutely important for us to recognize the fact that man does not need a technically advanced society in order to explore the realms of Higher Mind -- i.e., he only needs his mind -- then it will also be realized that our world of modern technology can in fact be detrimental to our own development, because it has the ability to greatly distract man in his search for the answers to Life.   What this ultimately means is that the wisdom of the ancients could very well be superior to the modern philosophy that our universities teach today.   In fact, if man could see the wonders of Creation clearly, he would quickly realize that the supposed conflict between science and religion is superficial, and is nothing more than the result of ignorance with regard to both the true nature of religion and scientific fact.  

When astronomer James Jeans proclaimed that: “Today there is a wide measure of agreement… that the stream of knowledge is heading towards a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine” -- we should have realized that the ancient men of wisdom did not need our modern-day technological advances to explore a universe that is a “great thought”, they only needed to understand the laws and conditions that limited their own minds from interacting with the Higher Intelligence that put the universe in place!   It should be reasonable to every reader that the means by which we explore the “great thought” of Creation, is to use our own thought and mind as a vehicle in which to travel beyond this world of physical appearances.

The true spiritual Hebrew and Christian visionaries of the past have always acknowledged the validity of the objects that appear to our senses as being of a physical nature -- i.e., no one is denying that what we perceive with our physical eyes as being concrete to the senses does indeed exist -- but they also assert that there is a good deal more than what we see -- and modern science has progressed to the degree where it can now affirm this universal religious position.   In the words of Einstein:  “We may therefore regard matter as being constituted by the regions of space in which the field is extremely intense… There is no place in this new kind of physics both for the field and matter, for the field is the only reality” (quoted in M. Capek, The Philosophical Impact of Contemporary Physics).  

Our intelligence and personality is in the source -- i.e., the field that surrounds the physical body through which the mind works through while the body remains alive in this world.   With the death of the body, the mind which is centered in the field, can no longer manifest in this physical world -- and this is how the Out Of Body experiences of those people who momentary die, and are resuscitated in the Near Death Experience (NDE), are able to observe what transpires while their physical body is dead.   One of the main purposes of the Bible and the essence of religious teachings prior to becoming corrupted by the Church, was to teach the disciple the means to move beyond the limitations of the physical body, and enter the presence of the Being of Light that is seen in many people who have an NDE, while still physically alive in the body.   Fundamentally, the scriptures employ universal symbols of consciousness and an understanding of the Laws in order to assist the disciple in moving beyond his physical limitations, and connecting with those areas of the mind beyond the 10% that relates to the physical body and this world.   

PUBLIC SCHOOL CURRICULUM DETRIMENTAL TO CHILD: What this means is that modern-day Atheism and the non-religious curriculum of our present-day public schools which is attempting to re-engineer Creation in reverse of  reality, is in fact a very real detriment to both our children and the society at lodge.   Why?   Because every aspect of the agenda that is being taught -- the very mindset that our children are being imbued with -- is flawed because it is being built upon the wrong foundation and vision of Creation.   Modern science has already proven our very defective vision of Creation to be in error, but they are unable to invoke any meaningful change in the world-view that has been described as “fossilized” by the more enlightened perception of human reality.   Why?   Because their opponents are motivated by an anti-God agenda that it is designed for the express purpose of opposing traditional religion which they view as being too (sexually) restrictive -- i.e., resulting in the fact that they do not desire to seek knowledge, understanding and higher truth -- but merely to oppose religion, standards of behavior and morality, and God.  

Thus, the problem: Once properly understood, the traditional religious system of morality is not restrictive at all -- and what I will demonstrate throughout this web site is that in order to even begin to open the mind to man’s higher reality, man must cease to squander away his vital life-force, and channel this spiritual energy in a way that will enable him to utilize a greater portion of his potential of mind.  

The secular quasi-priests of our culture are not interested in Truth -- and will only embrace whatever knowledge supports their carnally indulgent lifestyle.   Instead of seeking the truth, the anti-God advocates attempt to ignore the facts -- close their minds to whatever does not conform to their perception of the world -- and continue to live in a cocoon that shields them from the sight of reality.   Is such a statement absurd?   Not once it is realized that their own prophets of science have warned them that the true source of all that we see, think and feel, as well as all events that we interact with on a daily basis, lies beyond the physical world they view with their bodily senses.   What this means is the very proofs they deny with respect to the existence of what they call the supernatural, has been virtually placed in their hands -- and they continue to ignore reality because it does not conform to their own vision of life.   Why?   Because if they even admit that the Darwinist vision of Creation is in grave error, they will then be rejected by the masses of people they are attempting to influence and control.  

One of the fundamental truths that Jesus taught, and is no longer clearly understood today, was that part of our being is not manifest in this world -- i.e., while it is true that mankind has a physical body and associated organic mind that interacts with the natural world in which it appears that we presently dwell, he also possesses a soul and spiritual nature that simultaneously exists in separate and distinct parallel spheres of consciousness.   In the words of St. Teresa of Avila: “The soul,” she explains, is as a castle made of a single diamond… in which there are many rooms, just as in Heaven there are many mansions” (Interior Castle by St. Teresa of Avila).  

What the teachings of the Bible reveal is that man is incomplete in his natural organic state of being -- and if we are to enter into the Kingdom that Jesus declared, we must learn to function in all the inner rooms of the soul simultaneously.   Those people who were truly faithful to the teachings of the Lord, and walk in The Way, are able to overcome the limiting shackles of the physical body, break free of the power that controls this world, and transcend the divides between each of the three realms that comprise man’s physical, soul and spiritual natures.   What we fail to comprehend is that mankind is temporal because of his divided state of being -- that he can only utilize less than ten percent of his potential of mind because these other elements of mind correspond to these other realms that his soul and spirit simultaneously dwells in -- and that the biblical perception of perfection and oneness is indicative of the condition when man has overcome his divided nature -- ultimately becoming One with his Source of Being.   True faith, then, can only be measured and realized by those who actually follow in the footsteps of the Lord -- step by step -- and in the biblical vision of the prodigal son, return to the Kingdom from which they originally emerged.

What man in his carnal state of mind fails to understand is the paradoxical nature of reality -- and that from the vision and perception that Darwin viewed the world, he was not entirely wrong.   It is true that in his natural, physical state of being, man is very much an integral part of nature -- but because Darwin’s perception of the world was limited to this realm of physical appearances, he attempted to explain mysteries that can only be comprehended when one is able to simultaneously see and understand how this world interacts with the parallel realms that he is unable to perceive with his bodily senses.  

As a physical being, Darwin was correct in his conclusion that man is very much an integral part of nature.   But what does this mean?   Darwin observed that everything in this world is intimately entwined as a part of the whole -- so much so, that man himself can be likened to our understanding of the vegetable kingdom -- in that nature is One, and in the same way that the vegetable kingdom is one of the primary sources of the oxygen which is necessary to support all organic life, what we fail to understand is that physical man emits a vibratory-power in his life-force that the natural organic balance of this world uses to maintain its consciousness and influence over all that exists in this realm of being.   What this ultimately means is that physical man is both present and necessary to the balance of this world, because he is an integral part of nature, and the world needs him -- i.e., it needs the vibratory frequency of mind that man emits.   But, unlike the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms which are very much of this realm, man possesses a soul and spirit that is not of this world -- and he has the ability to direct his vital life-force energies into this indwelling Kingdom (Luke 17:21), and thereby develop his mind and consciousness beyond the natural three-dimensional limitations of this world.  

If we can grasp this concept that physical man’s body is an integral element of the makeup and balance of this world -- and yet, unlike the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdoms that are very much a part of this realm, man has the ability to direct his life-force beyond the scope of the natural organic world -- i.e., within himself, instead of into the outside world -- then we must begin to contemplate a whole new dimension to what Jesus taught with respect to his declaration that the Kingdom can never come upon the earth in the manner that men predict, because it already exists within the mind of man.   Yet, there is an obstacle that must be overcome -- and in the Bible this obstacle is portrayed as the god of this world which is actively working in the life of every individual.   Thus, the Bible also warns us that when the (genuine) followers of Jesus begin to seek to overcome the three-dimensional barrier of this world and enter the indwelling Kingdom, that their powers (of mind and being) not only become stronger and more complete, but by virtue of this redirection of their energies, they actually begin to deprive this natural world of the vital organic life-force that it needs and uses as a source to feed upon.   What this means is that both this natural world and the biblical portrayal of Satan, actually need us to continue to survive and maintain their harmonic balance and power in this realm.

Again, it is important for us to contemplate man’s higher reality and its effect upon organic nature from the perspective of the stability of this world.   One of our greatest shortcomings is seen in the fact that we do not fully comprehend the implications of the vision of Darwin in our lives -- i.e., because we see ourselves as not only being separate, but also elevated to the position as the rulers of nature, we often fail to envision our physical self as being an integral part of this world.   To perceive the whole picture, we must begin to perceive this world as a living organism that our physical bodies are an integral part of.

LIVING UNIVERSE: Only when we begin to heed the wisdom of the modern scientist who has warned us that we are dwelling in an “…intelligent universe… that resembles a great thought”, can we even begin to comprehend why Jesus very clearly predicted that his true followers will be persecuted in the same manner that he was.   Why?   Why could he so reassuringly make such a statement?   What Jesus was attempting to convey to us was the reality of man in relation to the consciousness of this world.   When one man or woman begins to discover that they are able to gain access to a parallel realm which Jesus taught was a Heavenly Kingdom, because this individual person’s presence actually begins to affect other men and women as they begin to discover their own indwelling spiritual nature and access to this Kingdom, from the perspective of this world, this loss of vital life-force can be compared to our own loss of blood.  

In the same way that we would quickly apply pressure or a bandage to stop the loss of blood in order to preserve our own life, the consciousness of this world moves to squash both the individual and the group who begin to redirect their vital life-force inward -- thereby depriving the natural organic world of life-force in the manner of our own body halting a loss of blood.   Why?   Why does the collective consciousness of this realm act in this manner?   In order to maintain it’s own survival.   If the scientist is correct in his modern-day understanding that we are presently dwelling in an “…intelligent universe… that resembles a great thought”, then any loss of vital life-force and balance from the perspective of this world must immediately be dealt with in order to maintain (organic) life!

It is for this reason that Jesus warned his followers that they would be scorned and despised by the people of this world -- and in the manner of a disease, their death and demise would be looked upon as the destruction of heretics and evildoers.   The Bible very clearly warns us that we dwell in a world of reverse polarity -- resulting in the fact that carnal men will always perceive the Light to be evil!   Why?   Because their consciousness is very much organic and of this world -- and those who walk in The Way, and succeed in overcoming the three dimensional barrier and are able to manifest the inner Kingdom, become a threat to the survival of this natural realm.   Once this great truth is understood, we can then begin to realize that the prediction of the Apostle Paul with respect to the takeover of the church by the forces of darkness was something that was both necessary and imminent from the perspective of the consciousness that controls this world.   The Church in its original spiritual form was a disease!  

This world and the natural organic power that controls it is referred in the scriptures as being enveloped in darkness, because its three-dimensional reality is incomplete -- resulting in the fact that it greatly limits and inhibits the mind from seeing, perceiving, and comprehending man’s higher reality and state of being.    From the perspective of what the Apostle Paul called the god of this world, the teachings of The Way was a threat to the natural organic balance of this world.   Paul therefore knew that in time, the Spiritual Church had to be replaced by a shadow church that would appear to be in accordance with New Covenant teachings, but was not!

We have been warned by the modern scientist that we are possessed by an outmoded perception of Creation -- and it is not until we begin to re-evaluate everything we think we know and understand -- look beyond our "fossilized” vision of life -- and start to perceive this realm as a living collective consciousness, can we begin to even contemplate the organic cause of why man only uses less than ten percent of his potential of mind -- which ultimately portrays the plight of man when he attempts to redirect his vital life-force inward in his search for what the Bible portrays as the gate to the Kingdom.  The scriptures warn us that we are blind to man’s higher reality -- and the modern scientist has confirmed this fact.   The scriptures warn us that we only hear and comprehend with a very suppressed and limited perception of what we think we see and understand -- and again, the modern scientist has confirmed this fact.   How long will we continue to delude ourselves?

The Folly Of Blind Belief!


What is the purpose of the scriptures?   Surely not to teach us about history -- how can history open the door to the Kingdom within us.   By placing spiritual truths in what appears to he an historical document, accomplishes the necessary task of putting the sacred truths of God in the hands of the people -- in a language they can understand and relate to -- even during that time when they are yet carnal, and unable to comprehend the Mysteries of God.   By writing the scriptures in this fashion, the carnal Jew could relate to the scriptures because the writings appeared -- on the surface -- to communicate and manifest a history of the people who were using them.   Yet, Origen warns that, even when the scriptures are historically accurate, there is concealed within the narrative a deeper meaning than what is grasped by the carnal reader.  

Was there a historical man named Jesus?   Yes -- but it is the Living Christ that will save you.   Because the scriptures are written for the purpose of assisting the disciples in finding the Christ, even when the scriptures are conveying historical truths pertaining to the Christ, the genuine message is still embedded within the body of the text.   Why?   Because the purpose of the scriptures is that of a guide and road map out of this world -- not to convey to us a system of doctrines in which we should blindly believe and remain immersed in lives of materialism.

Why two gospels?  Why would Jesus have incorporate in his teachings what has been referred to as a secret doctrine?   The modern believer who only possesses a very limited perception of higher reality will reject the idea of an inner meaning to the scriptures, and will reason that Jesus would have spoken all truths very clearly.   To the carnal believer, if it is true that Jesus concealed the mysteries, this would be viewed as being dishonest.   Moreover, they would ask why, even when the scriptures are historically accurate, would the true meaning of the message be concealed from the reader?   The believer asks the question: Why not just write the truth.   The answer is found in the words of Ignatius: “Might I not write to you things more full of mystery?  But I fear to do so, lest I should inflict injury on you who are babes.  Pardon me in this respect, lest, as not being able to receive their weighty import, ye should be strangled by them.  

In the words of St. Nazianzen: “The Divine Nature then is boundless and hard to understand”.   And in the words of St. Gregory: “The man who in calculating the transcendent powers of the Deity limits them by his own is a fool”.   In order to perceive God and reality, man must go beyond the physical, and activate his own spiritual nature that is lying dormant within his carnal nature.   Until this spiritual nature is manifested, man's true reality makes no sense, and man is unable to understand things of any real value.  

Carnal man places great confidence and reliance on the events of history -- so the Holy Spirit uses what appears to be historical narratives to convey great spiritual truths in the form of allegories.   Origen writes that some parts of these historical narratives are based upon a correct perception of historical facts.   This causes us to adopt them, and cling to them as a source of spiritual truth.   But, Origen warns, even when the narratives of the scriptures are historically accurate, they are still written in such a way that a higher level of spiritual truth is contained within the vail of what is written.

Did Jesus heal a man who was born blind?   Yes he did.   But how does this knowledge of an historical event draw you closer to God?   Even if it makes you believe and have faith in Jesus, this knowledge means nothing if it does not provoke you to strive to walk in The Way.   On the other hand, when you begin to recognize the fact that all men born of woman are congenitally blind from a spiritual perspective -- and will remain blind until healed by the Son of God -- then this knowledge has the capacity to provoke you to change, and cause you to desire to see and behold man's true reality.

Unlike our modern text books which are different for each level of instruction, the scriptures are written for believers and disciples of all levels of spiritual maturity.   This is seen in the words of Origen when he wrote: “Since, then, it was the intention of the Holy Spirit to enlighten with respect to these and similar subjects, those holy souls who had devoted themselves to the service of the truth, this object was kept in view, in the second place, for the sake of those who either could not or would not give themselves to this labor and toil by which they might deserve to be instructed in or to recognize things of such value and importance, to wrap up and conceal, as we said before, in ordinary language, under the covering of some history and narrative of visible things, hidden mysteries. There is therefore introduced into the narrative of the visible creation, and the creation and formation of the first man; then the offspring which followed from him in succession, and some of the actions which were done by the good among his posterity, are related, and occasionally certain crimes also, which are stated to have been committed by them as being human; and afterwards certain unchaste or wicked deeds also are narrated as being the acts of the wicked. The description of battles, moreover, is given in a wonderful manner, and the alternations of victors and vanquished, by which certain ineffable mysteries are made known to those who know how to investigate statements of that kind. By an admirable discipline of wisdom, too, the law of truth, even of the prophets, is implanted in the Scriptures of the law, each of which is woven by a divine art of wisdom, as a kind of covering and veil of spiritual truths; and this is what we have called the 'body' of Scripture, so that also, in this way, what we have called the covering of the letter, woven by the art of wisdom, might be capable of edifying and profiting many, when others would derive no benefit”.

Thus, the body of the scriptures which are not necessarily historically accurate, are “capable of edifying and profiting many” by the reading of the literal word.   Yet, as the believer matures, he begins to realize that the endless expose of wars, genealogies, and stories of carnal strife against Divine Providence, are absolutely meaningless in the life of the disciple.   As he begins to spiritually develop, and starts to experience a shift in perception, he begins to realize that these wars, genealogies and strife in the flesh have great meaning within his own being, as he travails to overcome his carnal nature in his quest to enter the Spiritual Kingdom of his soul.   What, therefore, the carnal believer sees as history, the disciple sees as great spiritual truths that are imparted to him in his pursuit of spiritual perfection and manifestation.

Origen writes that the scriptures contain many places where what is written literally could not have happened.   In examination of this statement we ask why?   Why not create a written word that was totally factual?   The answer that Origen provides to this question is once again very simple:  “But as if, in all the instances of this covering (i.e., of this history), the logical connection and order of the law had been preserved, we would not certainly believe, when thus possessing the meaning of Scripture in a continuous series, that anything else was contained in it save what was indicated on the surface; so for that reason divine wisdom took care that certain stumbling-blocks, or interruptions, to the historical meaning should take place, by the introduction into the midst (of the narrative) of certain impossibilities and incongruities; that in this way the very interruption of the narrative might, as by the interposition of a bolt, present an obstacle to the reader, whereby he might refuse to acknowledge the way which conducts to the ordinary meaning; and being thus excluded and debarred from it, we might be recalled to the beginning of another way, in order that, by entering upon a narrow path, and passing to a loftier and more sublime road, he might lay open the immense breadth of divine wisdom”.

What Origen states is not only true, but is of the utmost importance for us to comprehend in our present day: If the scriptures were historically accurate, then we would believe, and never move beyond the written word.   In never moving beyond the written word, we would fail to develop those parts of our mind that relate to our soul and spiritual natures and reality -- and in our failure to mature, we would remain lost in this carnal world, and never open the door to the Kingdom within our being.   From a scriptural perspective, the prodigal son would never return home to his Father.  

Origen and many of the other early Church Fathers comprehended this design and higher purpose of the Gospel.   They understood that the scriptures are written in such a way that our reading them would be interrupted by the many instances where what we read literally is not true -- and in coming to this scriptural roadblock, the intension was for us to seek to understand the deeper meaning -- a meaning that can only be perceived by drawing closer to our own spiritual nature.

Some of the more outrageous and blatant untruths in the literal word would be the classic case of the sun and moon standing still: “Then Joshua spoke to the LORD in the day when the LORD delivered up the Amorites before the sons of Israel, and he said in the sight of Israel, 'O sun, stand still at Gibeon, and O moon in the valley of Aijalon.' So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day” (Josh 10:12-13 NAS).   In the first instance, the sun does not revolve around the earth.   Secondly, there exists sufficient records of the time in question to confirm that such an event never took place.  

“Nor was it only with regard to those Scriptures which were composed down to the advent of Christ that the Holy Spirit thus dealt” writes Origen, “but as being one and the same Spirit, and proceeding from one God, He dealt in the same way with the evangelists and apostles. For even those narratives which He inspired them to write were not composed without the aid of that wisdom of His, the nature of which we have above explained. Whence also in, them were intermingled not a few things by which, the historical order of the narrative being interrupted and broken up, the attention of the reader might be recalled, by the impossibility of the case, to an examination of the inner meaning”.

Just one of these examples are provided at the time of the crucifixion where it reads: “And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour. And the sun was darkened, and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst” (Luke 23:44-45 KJV).   There exists sufficient historical records of that time to demonstrate conclusively that the earth was never plunged into darkness for a period of three hours.   In view of the fact that this event took place at the time of the Passover, when the moon is full, it could not have been an eclipse.   Moreover, neither can an eclipse bring darkness over all the earth for a period of three hours.

Since this event could not have taken place in the historical sense, why is it reported?   Origen explains this when he writes that, in the development of “super-sensual things… the scripture interwove in the history the account of some event that did not take place” -- which denotes episodes such as these in the scriptures that a reasonable mind must conclude is not historically accurate.   In the words of Origen, “sometimes what could not have happened” -- events reported as history that could not have taken place -- and “sometimes what could but did not”.  

Sometimes the inconsistencies in scripture are blatant.   This is done intentionally, so the believer is unable to read the text of the body of scripture in its literal sense.   Speaking of the conversion of Paul along the road to Damascus, Acts 9:7 reads: “And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man”.   Yet, in Acts 22:9 the narrative reads: “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me”.   Which account was true?   In the first instance they heard the voice but saw nothing, in the second they saw the light but heard nothing. 

By design the reader is supposed to question and reason to themselves that, if the same person wrote both accounts, then why were they written in direct opposition to each other?    If you look in the many Bible commentaries you will observe numerous creative attempts to explain away this apparent contradiction.   Yet, none of them perceives that Saul/Paul is spoken of as being in The Way -- that Saul in this New Testament rendition is synonymous with the Saul who proceeded David as king of Israel -- that only Saul/Paul was struck down with blindness, while those who were with him were not -- and that they were on their way to Damascus -- that Saul/Paul was blind for a period of three days -- that a disciple named Ananias was told in a vision to go to Saul/Paul, who would be at the house of Judas, on a street named “straight”, and heal and baptize him.  

This account is so rich with important symbolism and meaning to the disciple, that it is almost inconceivable that it could be read as an historical, rather than a spiritual event.   The idea that Saul (the forerunner of David) was in The Way, and was blinded by the Light for a period of three days (a period of time used throughout the scriptures to denotes a certain spiritual transformation), and was at the house of Judas (the betrayer of the Christ), on a street named straight, where he was to be baptized.   Thus, we see the common references to the command to “Enter ye in at the strait gate” (Matt 7:13 KJV); “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight” (Matt 3:3 KJV); as well as the connection between the concept of the straight path and baptism: “Every valley shall be filled, and every mountain and hill shall be brought low; and the crooked shall be made straight, and the rough ways shall be made smooth; And all flesh shall see the salvation of God. Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him…” (Luke 3:5-7 KJV).

What is important here is that the reader understand the things conveyed not as the conversion of an historical man, but rather the evolution of consciousness from Stephen who was stoned by Saul and the Jews -- to Saul who began to walk in The Way -- was transformed from a Jew, who was blind when he resided at the house of Judas, the betrayer of Christ -- and after his baptism became Paul, who was the little one who was chosen to serve the Lord by bringing the teachings of The Way to the Gentiles -- Gentiles being that part of us that worships the gods (powers and things) of this world.   Where these things mean very little to us from an historical perspective, they are of the highest importance to us from the perspective of spiritual events that are to take place in the life of the disciple.  

Was Paul an historical man?   Yes.   But what is conveyed in the scriptures is not historical -- and cannot even be read in a literal sense.   What is important is that we see that the death of Stephen -- a man who is constantly referred to as a person of great faith, and whose name is defined in the Thayer’s Lexicon as one who is “crowned”.   As we investigate we must also recognize that Stephen was one of seven deacons in the Jerusalem Church, and the first martyr.  Just as important is the fact that after Stephen is introduced into the narrative of the scriptures, we see the recital of an historical account of the Jewish people -- and in this recital, the names, places, events and numbers are conveyed in such a manner, so as to instruct the disciple into the necessary stages with respect to the evolution in consciousness and God awareness.

Death in the scriptures has nothing to do with physical death -- but rather, the transitioning from one level of consciousness to another.   Thus, when Stephen is stoned by the angry Jews, we see the immergence of Saul -- which Thayer’s Lexicon defines as having to do with desire.   Again in the transformation of this desire into Paul, which is defined as the “little one”, we are presented with the pattern that one must “turn about”, and become a “little one”, in order to enter the Kingdom.  

In order to force the reader to stop, and contemplate the inner spiritual message, a conflicting account is purposely entered into the scriptures: Acts 9:7 reads: “And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man”.   Yet, in Acts 22:9 the narrative reads: “And they that were with me saw indeed the light, and were afraid; but they heard not the voice of him that spake to me”.   It means absolutely nothing for the modern reader to believe that Saul was converted on the road to Damascus -- there is no spiritual edification or uplifting when we relate this knowledge to an historical event at the beginning of our Common Era.   But what is conveyed spiritually is of great value to the disciple in search of the Light -- and must bring about a change of mind in his quest to open the door to the Kingdom.   Thus the disciple begins to see his own transformation from the death of Stephen as spirit became clothed with flesh, to Saul -- from a Jew to Paul -- from Paul the little one, whose blindness was healed by Ananias -- the gift from God.

The many points at which the scriptures conflict in order to force the reader to look for the inner meaning is so numerous, that an entire book could be written in their compilation.   Acts 7:14 has 75 persons coming with Jacob into Egypt -- Gen 46:27; Ex 1:5; Deut 10:22 state there were 70.   Acts 7:16-17 has Jacob buried in Shechem -- Gen 49:28-30; 50:13 buried in Mamre which is Hebron according to Gen 23:19.   If the Holy Spirit wrote both sets of scriptures, there should have been uniformity between them.   Moreover, if the New Testament authors were attempting to convince others that they knew what they were speaking about from a literal sense, they would have been very careful to get the facts correct.

Perhaps one of the finest examples of the carnal mind's attempt to explain away what it should be investigating is demonstrated in the genealogies of Jesus.   The fact that the genealogy presented in Luke is not the same as that in Matthew has been the source of many dogmatic theories.   But the fact that the genealogy in Matthew contains four women, and three foreigners, should immediately send up a red flag warning that these genealogies cannot be read literally.

Two of the women were strangers to the commonwealth of Israel, Rachab a Canaanitess, and a harlot besides, and Ruth the Moabitess.   In the pedigree of the kings of Judah, between Joram and Ozias (v. 8), there are three left out, namely, Ahaziah, Joash, and Amaziah -- and therefore Joram could not have begat Ozias.   When it is said (v. 12) that Jechonias begat Salathiel, that Jechonias was the son of that Jehoiakim who was carried into Babylon, the scriptures tell us that Jechonias was childless (Jer. 22:30), and in direct contradiction to what is written in Matthew, it is written that “No man of his seed shall prosper”.

In order to insure that the genealogies cannot be read literally, it is further stated in Matthew: “Thus there were fourteen generations in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Christ” (Matt 1:17 NIV).   With regard to the many problems presented in the genealogies, the Adam Clark Commentary writes:

[Josias begat Jechonias and his brethren, about the time they were carried away to Babylon:] There are three considerable difficulties in this verse.


1.      Josias was not the father of Jechonias; he was only the grandfather of that prince: (1 Chr. 3:14-16)  

2. Jechonias had no brethren; at least, none are on record.

3.      Josias died 20 years before the Babylonian captivity took place, and therefore Jechonias and his brethren could not have been begotten about the time they were carried away to Babylon.


To this may be added a fourth difficulty, namely, there are only thirteen in this 2nd class of generations; or forty-one, instead of forty-two, in the whole

When we closely examine the literal word of the Bible, all of the scriptures could be deciphered in this same manner to demonstrate the inconsistencies from an historical perspective.   Moreover, the problem would be even more serious than it is at present if the Bible had been left in its original condition.   In many instances, where these many places that appear to be contradictions were detected, they were fixed by later scribes who copied the scriptures.   In their ignorance of the very manner that scripture is composed, every time they fixed a contradiction or offending verse, they defiled and obstructed the very purpose of the Word of God.   In the case of the difference between the genealogies of Matthew and Luke, there are Greek texts that exist where the genealogy of Luke was replaced by the one in Matthew in the endeavor to conceal this easily detected flaw in the written word.  

Where the carnal believer sees a genealogy that would be impossible to be read literally, it never dawns on the readers that what we have is the pedigree of the three minds of man -- physical, mental, and spiritual -- and that in the formation of the series of numbers in the pattern of fourteen, fourteen and fourteen, what is being indicated has great spiritual significance.   Moreover, the fact that there is forty-one, instead of forty-two, is also important in our quest to understanding the spiritual meaning of what is being conveyed with regard to what Jesus had yet to accomplish in his endeavor to become the first Son re-born into the Kingdom.

Does all these things mean that the scriptures are untrue?   In the words of Paul: God forbid!   It is us who is not real and untrue; not the scriptures.   In understanding why the Bible is written in this manner, we must not allow ourselves to be burdened by carnal thinking, and lose sight of what sets scriptures apart from any other writings known to man.   “The chief object of the Holy Spirit”, writes Origen, “is to preserve the coherence of the spiritual meaning, either in those things which ought to be done or which have been already performed, if He anywhere finds that those events which, according to the history, took place, can be adapted to a spiritual meaning, He composed a texture of both kinds in one style of narration, always concealing the hidden meaning more deeply; but where the historical narrative could not be made appropriate to the spiritual coherence of the occurrences, He inserted sometimes certain things which either did not take place or could not take place; sometimes also what might happen, but what did not: and He does this at one time in a few words, which, taken in their 'bodily' meaning, seem incapable of containing truth, and at another by the insertion of many. And this we find frequently to be the case in the legislative portions, where there are many things manifestly useful among the 'bodily' precepts, but a very great number also in which no principle of utility is at all discernible, and sometimes even things which are judged to be impossibilities. Now all this, as we have remarked, was done by the Holy Spirit in order that, seeing those events which lie on the surface can be neither true nor useful, we may be led to the investigation of that truth which is more deeply concealed, and to the ascertaining of a meaning worthy of God in those Scriptures which we believe to be inspired by Him”.

Origen writes that we must come to the realization that “those events which lie on the surface can be neither true nor useful”.   In opposition to this statement we ask: Isn't the belief in the historical Jesus useful?   The answer is yes, but only to the degree that the historical narrative assists the disciple in manifesting the Living Christ in their life at the present time.   What does the name Jesus mean?   What must we do in order to bring about that state of mind which is portrayed in the scriptures in the life of the historical Jesus, into our present life?

What is important is that we “be led to the investigation of that truth which is more deeply concealed”.   Since we know that everything we can learn from others in this world is of a preparatory nature, and the one true doctrine that will nourish us, can only be revealed to those who are in “the house”, and are deserving to be taught privately the Mysteries of the Kingdom, we must therefore seek to enter into the house with our Lord and Savior.   It is important that we perceive that whatever is written literally in the historical narrative is the exoteric doctrine -- or good news -- that serves as merely the invitation to the masses to enter the mystical house of the Lord where the Secrets of Creation can be revealed to us.  

In fully comprehending these statements in relation to the whole purpose of the teachings of The Way, let us again examine the definitive statement which conveys to us the very essence of the Gospel -- and especially the Revelation of John: “Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie” (Rev 22:14-15 NKJ).  

If the Revelation represented the end of the world, as is commonly believed by the majority of Christians today, then why are those who remain outside the city portrayed as “dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie”?   Armageddon, then, indicates the disciples personal conflict as he endeavors to overcome his own lower nature through the crucifixion of what is symbolized by the flesh, in order that he can possess the Knowledge of the fruit of the Tree of Life, transcend the natural barriers of this world, and “enter through the gates into the city”.   With regard to those who call themselves Christian, and continue to remain in this world, these are the ones who, like the Sadducees and Pharisees, “loves and practices a lie” in their refusal to follow in the footsteps of the Master.

Again let us revisit the statement by the Wycliffe Commentary on Genesis 2:7 where it writes about the nature of man: “Man's body was fashioned from the dust of the ground, while his spirit came from the very 'breath' of God. He is literally a creature of two worlds; both earth and heaven can claim him”.   What the fundamental teachings of the New Covenant convey is that if man “turns about”, and re-focuses his direction in life through the process of “opening and unloosing the mind” -- freeing it from the attachments and constraints of this realm -- man will discover that God has given him the power to gaze upon that which is Eternal.

As with all things Created by God, the scriptures are multidimensional.   Even in what appears to be historical, we see the same form being followed.   Our scholars know that Herod could not have been king during that time frame that Jesus was born.   They also know that the plight into Egypt to evade being killed is also not true: “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently inquired of the wise men” (Matt 2:16 KJV).   Such an act would have been well documented in the numerous writings of the many historians of the time.  

The answer is found in the meaning of the names Herod and Egypt -- and why it was important to make the connection between the same episode that is portrayed in the saving of Moses when the slaughter of the infants was ordered.   Thus, what is a meaningless and worthless historical account to the modern believer, is used to convey great truths to the disciple of the Light -- in that they, themselves, must undergo these same transformations in order for the Christ to be born within them.

In an attempt to clarify his position, and place these things in their proper perspective, Origen writes: “No one, I think, can doubt that the statement that God walked in the afternoon in paradise, and that Adam lay hid under a tree, is related figuratively in Scripture, that some mystical meaning may be indicated by it. The departure of Cain from the presence of the Lord will manifestly cause a careful reader to inquire what is the presence of God, and how any one can go out from it. But not to extend the task which we have before us beyond its due limits, it is very easy for any one who pleases to gather out of holy Scripture what is recorded indeed as having been done, but what nevertheless cannot be believed as having reasonably and appropriately occurred according to the historical account. The same style of Scriptural narrative occurs abundantly in the Gospels, as when the devil is said to have placed Jesus on a lofty mountain, that he might show Him from thence all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. How could it literally come to pass, either that Jesus should be led up by the devil into a high mountain, or that the latter should show him all the kingdoms of the world (as if they were lying beneath his bodily eyes, and adjacent to one mountain), i.e., the kingdoms of the Persians, and Scythians, and Indians? or how could he show in what manner the kings of these kingdoms are glorified by men? And many other instances similar to this will be found in the Gospels by any one who will read them with attention, and will observe that in those narratives which appear to be literally recorded, there are inserted and interwoven things which cannot be admitted historically, but which may be accepted in a spiritual signification”.

Where the carnal mind looks upon the world and attempts to see continuity, it is the disciple who knows full well that we dwell in a world of incompleteness and illusion.   Where the carnal believer attempts to read the scriptures as a witness to historical events, the disciple probes to the depths of the scriptures and understands them as the means by which we begin to awaken to the inner Truth and the Light of the Spirit.  

The believer will rightly ask, if God wants us to know what to believe, why would the scriptures contain events that did not, and even what could not have happened?   Again, the purpose of the scriptures is not to induce people to believe what happened in the past, and then dwell in the comfort of their beliefs -- but rather, to focus their attention to what is taking place at the present time in their own lives.   That the scriptures were written to coincide with a particular time or event in history, only makes them that much more acceptable to the common people.   This acceptance is important -- because even though the scriptures are not historically accurate, they contain within the body of the narrative the essential truths that each of us must embrace in order to find the ultimate Truth which is our destiny.   In their original form -- prior to their being defiled by the Roman Church -- what was written in the scriptures was one hundred percent accurate with respect to man's quest to enter the Kingdom.

With regard to reading the narrative as actual events in history, Origen wrote: “What man of sense will agree with the statement that the first, second and third days in which the evening is named and the morning, were without sun, moon and stars, and the first day without a heaven.   What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil?  I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed” (Origen - Huet., Prigeniana, 167 Franck, p. 142).

A man of reason will ask: If there was no sun, moon and stars, how could there have been a day, night and dawn of a new day?   “What man of sense”, Origen asks, will blindly believe such statements?   This fundamental question is very similar to that asked by Jesus with regard to the blindness of the Sadducees and Pharisees, who also attempted to read the scriptures literally.   Who could believe that God planted trees in the Garden of Eden which gave to the eater the knowledge of good and evil, while the fruit of another tree gave eternal life?   These things are not history, writes Origen, but rather “images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”.   Origen explains that the scriptures are an allegory that conceal the deeper truths of the spirit, and writes: “It is sufficient however, to represent in the style of a historic narrative what is intended to convey a secret meaning in the garb of history, that those who have the capacity may work out for themselves all that relates to the subject.”

When Clement (Clementine Homilies) asked of Peter concerning the many things in scripture that are not true, he said: “Truly I rejoice, and I give thanks to God, who in all things doeth well. However, he knows that I shall be able to think nothing other than that all things are for God. Wherefore do not suppose that I ask questions, as doubting the words concerning God, or those that are to be spoken, but rather that I may learn, and so be able myself to instruct another who is ingenuously willing to learn. Wherefore tell me what are the falsehoods added to the Scriptures, and how it comes that they are really false. Then Peter answered: Even although you had not asked me, I should have gone on in order, and afforded you the exposition of these matters, as I promised. Learn, then, how the Scriptures misrepresent Him in many respects, that you may know when you happen upon them”.

In his Ecclestical History Eusebius writes that: “Many were led astray by reading the allegorical contents of the scriptures literally in the method of the Pharisees and Sadducees”.   In these words we are provided great insight into the true heresy of the Pharisees and Sadducees, and why Jesus condemned them as being blind guides.   When it is realized that Jesus was born among the Essenes, who were Gnostic, and a people who comprehended the inner meaning of the Law, we begin to understand that the true focus of the conflict in scripture was the spiritual Israelites vs the carnal Jews.   On the side of the spiritual Israelites was Jesus and the Essenes -- who perceived the true meaning of the scriptures as the guide that assists the disciple in opening the doors to the true Temple of God.   The Pharisees and Sadducees, on the other hand, read the scriptures literally -- and were under the erroneous belief that God dwells in temples made with man's hands -- and employed a body of priests -- and approved a series of sacrifices, rituals and observances.  

What was it that the Lord accused the Pharisees of doing? “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken away the key of knowledge; you did not enter in yourselves, and those who were entering in you hindered” (Luke 11:52 NAS).   Yet, modern Christians today do not believe this statement.   We do not believe that the lawyers possessed the keys of knowledge prior to the advent of Christ.   We thus fail to understand that the keys of knowledge is the understanding of the true threefold nature of the scriptures, and man's inherent ability to learn directly from the Christ within.  

Because we read the scriptures in the manner of the Pharisees, we have ourselves become the modern day Jews in opposition to the Lord.   Thus, the scriptural confrontation continues right down to this present day -- the spiritual vs. the carnal believers.   In the words of Origen: “Many, not understanding the Scriptures in a spiritual sense, but incorrectly, have fallen into heresies”.   Anyone who attempts to read the scriptures, seeing the body only, while ignoring the mind and spirit, are doomed to fall into these heresies.

From a scriptural perspective, even the name Jew contains a very real message to the disciple of the Light.   Jesus warned of the pitfalls of division -- i.e., “But he, knowing their thoughts, said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth” (Luke 11:17 KJV).   The Jews, being the decedents of Judah, represented one twelfth of the children of Israel.   The disciple understands that, throughout both the Old and New Testament scriptures, the Bible is not speaking about a people who called themselves Jews, but rather the spiritual condition of mind -- a mind that by virtue of its carnal perception of the Word, is limited to only one twelfth of its potential -- which potential can only begin to be realized when we contemplate and embrace the difference between the partiality of the Jew, and the completeness of Israel.  

In this respect, from a biblical perspective, the majority of believers today are represented in the scriptures as Jews, others as Samaritans, and still many others as the people of the Nations.   Moreover, we are not just Jews, or Samaritans, or of the Nations -- in that, each one of us possesses aspects of our person that are as the multitudes of separate personalities -- separate personalities wherein each must be converted, brought into oneness, and raised up as the children of Israel.   In all things what we perceive as the one, is comprised of the many, and the disciple understands that the all needs to be brought into total harmony if the prodigal son is to return to the Father.   Thus, it is the realization of these great spiritual truths that enables us to understand the words of Origen where he wrote:  “Scripture contains an unhistorical element in-woven with the history, in order that the worthlessness of the latter may drive us to seek the spiritual meaning” (Origen quoted under Origen Adamntius; The Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics).  

Perhaps one of the most classic verses that remains an enigma to believers today is where Jesus states: “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick… for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Matt 9:12-13 KJV).   By present day religious doctrine, Jesus made a mistake, and it is apparent that he did not know what he was speaking about.   From our perception of mankind, no one is whole, and there are no righteous people.   Contrary to what is clearly written in the scriptures, we believe that Jesus came to call everyone.   In Matthew Henry's Commentary we read that: “Jesus Christ is the great Physician of souls… Sin-sick souls have need of this Physician, for their disease is dangerous; nature will not help itself; no man can help us; such need have we of Christ, that we are undone, eternally undone, without him. Sensible sinners see their need, and apply themselves to him accordingly”.   Thus, the Matthew Henry Commentary does not agree with the words that Jesus spoke, that only those who are sick need a physician, and he did not come to call the righteous.

The Adam Clarke Commentary clarifies this doctrine when it states that: “Jesus Christ represents himself here as the sovereign Physician of souls. That all stand in need of his healing power. That men must acknowledge their spiritual maladies, and the need they have of his mercy, in order to be healed by him. That it is the most inveterate and dangerous disease the soul can be afflicted with to imagine itself whole, when the sting of death, which is sin, has pierced it through in every part, infusing its poison everywhere”.   Again we see that the Adam Clark Commentary also does not believe the words of Jesus.

In our present day understanding of the scriptures we cannot even comprehend the meaning of “They that be whole need not a physician”.   Why?   Because we have lost sight of the very Kingdom that Jesus came to declare -- a Kingdom that exists within each of us (Lk 17:21 KJV).   Like Cain, each of us has gone forth from the presence of God, and it is the destiny of all the prodigal sons of the Father to return to the Kingdom.   In order to accomplish this, we must first understand what the Bible means when it states that we must be whole?  

The Gnostic Essenes and early Christians understood the term whole as indicating one who converts the Jew, Samaritan, and the Nations within himself, and brings the twelve spheres of mind together into abiding harmony -- reigning over his three natures, body, mind and spirit -- and consciously dwells in the Kingdom within himself.   The disciple also understands that when the twelve spheres of mind which are represented in the Revelation as the Tree of Life, are divided, what we have is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.   Thus the words of Origen: “What man is found such an idiot as to suppose that God planted trees in paradise in Eden, like a husbandman, and planted therein the tree of life, perceptible to the eyes and senses, which gave life to the eater thereof; and another tree which gave to the eater thereof a knowledge of good and evil?  I believe that every man must hold these things for images, under which the hidden sense lies concealed”.

We fail to understand these elementary truths of the scriptures, because what is today called the Christian religion has been cast out of The Way by Constantine and the Church of the Roman Empire.   Having been imbued with a carnal mindset, we simply cannot come to terms with the words: “Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved” (Prov 28:18 NKJ).   Why? Because in the adoption of Augustine's doctrine of Original Sin that attempts to explain away sacred spiritual symbols that are impossible to understand from a carnal perspective, we don't believe that any man can walk blamelessly without the historical Jesus.   In our doctrines, we do not believe Jesus.   We do not believe that the Kingdom is within us -- and when we manifest the laws of the inner Kingdom in our outer life, we will walk blamelessly.   We view the Christ as an historical personage, and not the Light that calls to us from within the door of our soul.

In our scriptures at Luke 10:25-28 (NIV) we find “an expert in the law” asking Jesus, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?  What is written in the Law?” replies Jesus.   Yet, in accordance with our present day doctrines of belief, Jesus never would have answered in this manner.   Again we see another scriptural sighting where it is clear that Jesus is in need of instruction with regard to what we must do to be saved.

In light of modern Christian dogma, there is nothing in the Law that could save the man, and this passage of scriptures represents just one more enigma -- in that we are unable to even comprehend why Jesus would ask him the question: What is written in the Law.   In the narrative, the man answers and says: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself”.   In our Bibles today Jesus replies: “Do this and you will live”; but in the Bible used in the second century by Clement of Alexandria, Jesus replied: “This do, and thou shalt be saved” (The Instructor, Book 3).  

Fundamentally, modern Christians do not believe these words of Jesus!  Why?  Because we don't believe the Law can either save us, or bestow upon us life.   If what is written here is true, and one can be saved by fulfilling the Law, then where does belief in the historical Jesus come into the picture?   Moreover, if this is true, that would mean that modern day Jews who fully embrace the Law could be saved, even though they never converted to Christianity.

In the version of this scriptural encounter contained in Mark 12:34, the reply of Jesus takes on a whole new dimension.   In reply, Jesus said to the scribe when he answered correctly: “Thou art not far from the kingdom of God”.  But we don't believe that either.   Why?   Because in accordance with our doctrines, one cannot be saved apart from the historical Jesus.

What is written in the gospel is no different than what was conveyed by Paul when he wrote: “For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves” (Rom 2:14 NAS).   How could the Gentiles who did not have the Law, keep the precepts of the Law?  “For the truth about God is known to them instinctively; God has put this knowledge in their hearts” (Rom 1:19 TLB).   Thus, because we view the scriptures from the same vision as the Sadducees and Pharisees, we are incapable of comprehending the reality of what the Bible is conveying to us -- i.e., by doing good, and seeking to know God -- our True Source of Being -- the Christ that dwells in the heart of man will reveal himself to the faithful, and make known to them the means by which they may enter the Kingdom.  

Contrary to modern day Christian doctrine: If a man lives on a remote island -- having never heard the Law of God spoken -- having never heard a word about the Jesus of the New Testament -- and this man searches within his own heart and manifests the truth (instinctively), he will be saved because, in the words of Paul: “For when Gentiles who do not have the Law do instinctively the things of the Law, these, not having the Law, are a law to themselves” (Rom 2:14 NAS) -- and in spirit, the Lord will come to the man who instinctively does the things of God in their life, and make them whole.  Thus, by fulfilling the Law of God that is written in their hearts, we can begin to comprehend the truth in the statement that: “Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved” (Prov 28:18 NKJ); and, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick… for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance” (Matt 9:12-13 KJV).

Why don't we believe these many passages of scriptures?   Because, like the Pharisees and Sadducees, we look only to the letter, and read the scriptures as history, rather than keys to open the door to the Spirit and the Kingdom of God within our own mind and being.   An example of this same error of reading the scriptures literally in the manner of the Sadducees and Pharisees is brought to light by Eusebius, who writes of the doctrines conceived by the early Christians Papias and Irenaeus, and still held throughout the modern Christian world today: “Papias reproduces other stories communicated to him by word of mouth, together with some otherwise unknown parables and teachings of the Saviour, and other things of a more allegorical character.   He says that 'after the resurrection of the dead there will be a period of a thousand years when Christ's kingdom will be set up on this earth in material form'.  I suppose he got these notions by misinterpreting the apostolic accounts and failing to grasp what they said in mystic and symbolic language.  For he seems to have been a man of very small intelligence, to judge from his books.  But it is partly due to him that the great majority of churchmen after him took the same view, relying on his early date; e.g. Irenaeus and several others, who clearly held the same opinion” (Eusebius, Hist Eccl., Book III, 39.11).

The Spiritual Christian understands all these teachings in the scriptures as not signifying historical events -- even if there is an historical basis -- but rather, spiritual truths pertaining to the plight of the disciple as they seek to open the gates to the Kingdom within their mind and being.   When Eusebius writes of Papias' doctrine that “after the resurrection of the dead there will be a period of a thousand years when Christ's kingdom will be set up on this earth in material form”, he makes reference to the error of Papias when he interprets the “allegorical character” of the scriptures in a literal fashion in the manner of the Sadducees and Pharisees and writes: “I suppose he got these notions by misinterpreting the apostolic accounts and failing to grasp what they said in mystic and symbolic language.  For he seems to have been a man of very small intelligence, to judge from his books”.   In these words it is again important for us to grasp what Eusebius states -- i.e., that the apostolic accounts are written in the “mystic and symbolic language” of the Essene Gnostics.   With regard to the thousand years when the kingdom will be set up on the earth -- Armageddon and the second coming of Christ is understood to signify the true war that wages within the disciple in his spiritual quest to reign in the kingdom.  

If Eusebius could meet with modern Christians today, he would convey that we are a people who have been greatly deceived.   He would ask: Why have we taken upon ourselves the error of the Sadducees and Pharisees, and that of Papias, Irenaeus and the others who “got these notions by misinterpreting the apostolic accounts and failing to grasp what they said in mystic and symbolic language”?  When Eusebius writes of Papias that he must “have been a man of very small intelligence, to judge from his books”, he said this because any man who is “outside” of the house, even if they are one of carnal man's greatest scholars, is of “very small intelligence” -- using at best only one twelfth of their mental resources -- in comparison to the Gnostic or Spiritual Christians who are the children of Israel, and who -- in their completion of mind and spirit -- have found entrance into the Kingdom.

Eusebius questions how carnal Christians can believe the doctrine that: “after the resurrection of the dead there will be a period of a thousand years when Christ's kingdom will be set up on this earth in material form”, when Jesus clearly explained to the Pharisees that the kingdom of God will never come upon the earth in material form: “The kingdom of God does not come with your careful observation, nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21 NIV).   It is because the Kingdom is a Spiritual Kingdom within you that Thomas can say in his gospel: “Whoever finds the explanation of these words will not taste death” -- and: “When the Lord was asked by a certain man, when should his kingdom come, he said unto him, when two shall be one and the without as the within, and the male with the female, neither male nor female”.   Thus, the disciple understands that the “apostolic accounts” are written in a “mystic and symbolic language” that only the Lord can open their mind to see and understand.

In the words of St. Augustine: “What the apostle says pertains to this problem: 'For the letter killeth, but the spirit quickeneth', that is, when that which is said figuratively is taken as though it were literal, it is understood carnally.  Nor can anything more appropriately be called the death of the soul than that condition in which the thing which distinguishes us from beasts, which is the understanding, is subjected to the flesh in the pursuit of the letter.  He who follows the letter takes figurative expressions as though they were literal and does not refer the things signified to anything else” (De Doctrina Christiana).

When St. Augustine quotes Paul with regard to the saying “the letter killeth, but the spirit” makes alive, he is making reference to those who read the scriptures literally as historic narratives vs those who perceive the inner meaning of what is written.   “Tell me, ye that desire to be under the law, do ye not hear the law?”  Writes the Apostle Paul to those who want to read the written word literally.   “For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, the one by a bondmaid, the other by a freewoman.  But he who was of the bondwoman was born after the flesh; but he of the freewoman was by promise. Which things are an allegory” (Gal 4:21-24 KJV).  

In these words, what is Paul conveying to us?   The Apostle is stating nothing different than that expressed by either of the two Clement's, Origen, or Eusebius when they warn that those who observe these things by the letter of the written word cannot know the truth, because the letter or body of the scriptures cannot save us.   The Apostle states that to observe these things by the letter is meaningless, because the things written literally in the scripture are an allegory -- which allegory is a story that conceals a deeper spiritual truth.  

From an historical perspective, maybe there was a person named Abraham -- maybe there wasn't.   Maybe he had two sons -- maybe more, maybe one, maybe none.   From the perspective of man entering into the Kingdom, it makes no difference whether the historical personage of Abraham lived or not, or how many sons he had.   What matters is that we understand that we cannot be free until we rid ourselves of the covenant of the flesh, which is the letter of the Law, and cleave to the spiritual, which is the Life that lies within the letter.   In the same way that the body of man without the mind and spirit is dead, so too is the written word of the scriptures dead without the mind and spirit, and belief in the letter and the historical context cannot save us.

To carnal believers such as the Sadducees and Pharisees, it is very important that Abraham was an historical person -- that he had two sons -- and that they are of the lineage of Sarah, his wife.   Without these things being historically true, they would not be able to call themselves the chosen people blest by God.   When John the Baptist saw the Sadducees and Pharisees he said to them: “And do not think you can say to yourselves, 'We have Abraham as our father.' I tell you that out of these stones God can raise up children for Abraham” (Matt 3:9 NIV).   The Sadducees and Pharisees viewed the scriptures as literal historical narratives.    John the Baptist, who through the Dead Sea Scrolls it has been demonstrated was an Essene, and understood the scriptures in their spiritual language, warned them that God is not the God of carnal believers who twist the meaning of the scriptures -- but rather, the God of the spiritual believer who surrenders his life to the Lord, and lives the Word of God in word, thought and deed.

Do you believe in the historical Jesus?   Do you believe that the historical Jesus can save you?   If you believe, that is good, but be sure to heed his words when he warned: “And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?” (Luke 6:46 KJV).   The New Testament scriptures were written for the very purpose of your salvation -- but those who do not do what the Lord has commanded are unbelievers, regardless of what they profess with their lips.

With regard to the body of the scriptures: “Which things are an allegory”, writes the Apostle, “for these are the two covenants; the one from the mount Sinai, which gendereth to bondage, which is Agar. For this Agar is mount Sinai in Arabia, and answereth to Jerusalem which now is, and is in bondage with her children. But Jerusalem which is above is free, which is the mother of us all. For it is written, Rejoice, thou barren that bearest not; break forth and cry, thou that travailest not: for the desolate hath many more children than she which hath an husband. Now we, brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of promise. But as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now. Nevertheless what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondwoman and her son: for the son of the bondwoman shall not be heir with the son of the freewoman. So then, brethren, we are not children of the bondwoman, but of the free” (Gal 4:24-31 KJV).

The Apostle Paul writes that the story of Abraham is not historically true, and is an allegory.   If this is so, how can the Jews be the children of Abraham?   Origen would probably say: What man of sense would believe that Sarah conceived a child at the age of ninety nine.   Does not the very concept of two nines -- nine divided -- convey to us a state of division.   Is not this same state of division presented to us in the New Testament scriptures where it states: “What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them has gone astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains and go and search for the one that is straying?” (Matt 18:12 NAS).

The Hebrew Holy Men wrote and conveyed messages in numbers, and the number nine has a profound meaning in relation to the Kingdom.   Therefore, the number ninety-nine demonstrates a division that can be overcome when we begin to comprehend what it means to go and search in the mountains in our quest for the one hundredth sheep -- which is a number that conveys wholeness and completion.

In view of the fact that the Apostle Paul writes that the story of Abraham, Sarah, and the two sons are not historically true, how does this impact the genealogy of Jesus?   Was his lineage born from an allegory -- or does the lineage itself convey a series of profound sacred truths to the disciple -- truths that are concealed from the carnal believer?

With regard to the two covenants, we are the children of the free woman so long as we pursue the spirit of the Word, rather than the flesh.   In the words of St. Augustine: “He is a slave to a sign who uses or worships a significant thing without knowing what it signifies.   But he who uses or venerates a useful sign divinely instituted whose signifying force he understands does not venerate what he sees and what passes away but rather that to which all such things are to be referred.  Such a man is spiritual and free, even during that time of servitude in which it is not yet opportune to reveal to carnal minds those signs under whose yoke they are to be tamed” (De Doctrina Christiana).

The literal word of the scriptures are signs that signify spiritual truths.   The literal word may be based upon historical facts, or the text of the narrative may be a complete fabrication.   Whether they are historically accurate or not, they appear in scripture as signs that signify profound spiritual truths that assist the disciple in his quest to enter the Kingdom.   Augustine writes that: “He is a slave to a sign who uses or worships a significant thing without knowing what it signifies”.   These stories that resemble historical narratives are allegories, not history.   These allegories are written “when it is not yet opportune to reveal to carnal minds those signs under whose yoke they are to be tamed”.   Yet, those who perceive the deeper meaning of the word, “are spiritual and free”.

Carnal believers will view these things as confusing and not in accord with their understanding of the scriptures.   They will rightly say: How can I believe the scriptures when you state that they are not historically accurate.   With regard to this position Origen wrote: “Let no one, however, entertain the suspicion that we do not believe any history in Scripture to be real, because we suspect certain events related in it not to have taken place; or that no precepts of the law are to be taken literally, because we consider certain of them, in which either the nature or possibility of the case so requires, incapable of being observed; or that we do not believe those predictions which were written of the Savior to have been fulfilled in a manner palpable to the senses; or that His commandments are not to be literally obeyed. We have therefore to state in answer, since we are manifestly so of opinion, that the truth of the history may and ought to be preserved in the majority of instances. For who can deny that Abraham was buried in the double cave at Hebron, as well as Isaac and Jacob, and each of their wives? Or who doubts that Shechem was given as a portion to Joseph? or that Jerusalem is the metropolis of Judea, on which the temple of God was built by Solomon? - and countless other statements. For the passages which hold good in their historical acceptation are much more numerous than those which contain a purely spiritual meaning. Then, again, who would not maintain that the command to 'honor thy father and thy mother, that it may be well with thee,' is sufficient of itself without any spiritual meaning, and necessary for those who observe it? Especially when Paul also has confirmed the command by repeating it in the same words. And what need is there to speak of the prohibitions, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' 'Thou shalt not steal,' 'Thou shalt not bear false witness,' and others of the same kind? And with respect to the precepts enjoined in the Gospels, no doubt can be entertained that very many of these are to be literally observed, as e.g., when our Lord says, 'But I say unto you, Swear not at all;' and when He says, 'Whosoever looketh upon a woman to lust after her, hath committed adultery with her already in his heart;' the admonitions also which are found in the writings of the Apostle Paul, 'Warn them that are unruly, comfort the feeble-minded, support the weak, be patient towards all men,' and very many others. And yet I have no doubt that an attentive reader will, in numerous instances, hesitate whether this or that history can be considered to be literally true or not; or whether this or that precept ought to be observed according to the letter or not. And therefore great pains and labor are to be employed, until every reader reverentially understand that he is dealing with divine and not human words inserted in the sacred books”.

What we must not loose sight of is that the bible is a spiritual book that does not deal with man's history -- but rather, man's relationship to the Kingdom of God.   Yes, the Son of Man walked the earth at the beginning of our Common Era, and he came to save those who were lost -- this is an historical fact that with my own eyes I have been permitted to witness.   But we must remain ever mindful that the Son of God is calling us into his Kingdom this very day, and those who will hear him calling and enter therein will be saved.   Therefore, even when the scriptures are historically accurate, their accuracy means very little unless you can understand what is being conveyed in the context of your quest to enter the Kingdom during our present time.

The carnally minded believer who simply skims over the body of the scriptures and sees historical events -- rather than intimate spiritual truths -- believes horrific absurdities about God that are not worthy to even entertain, as well as beliefs that are often contradicted in other places within the scriptures.   Anyone who believes that the Bible is literally true where it is written: “And the LORD our God delivered him over to us; so we defeated him, his sons, and all his people. We took all his cities at that time, and we utterly destroyed the men, women, and little ones of every city; we left none remaining” (Deut 2:33-34 NKJ); is simply unable to perceive the Divine Essence of God.  

How can we believe that God would look favorably upon the senseless destruction of innocent men, women, and children?   How can we believe that God would Himself orchestrate such a heinous act of irrational and pointless violence?   Only those people who are themselves of a gross, barbaric, and unrefined nature, would even entertain the belief that a Supreme Being would orchestrate and affirm such horrendous behavior.

Often those places in scripture that contain the greatest absurdities, are the very places where important truths are placed for man to discern and behold.   Thus, an example of this fact is seen in the Ten Commandments where it is written: “You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me” (Deut 5:9 NIV).   Is this the loving God revealed by Jesus who holds the children of unbelievers accountable to the third and fourth generation?  

From a spiritual perspective, what we have here is the embodiment of a very important and profound spiritual concept -- a concept conveying a truth of such magnitude, that if we understood its spiritual meaning, we would begin to comprehend the reason why carnal man cannot gaze into the heavenly realms with his physical eyes.   Going one step further, if we knew what is being conveyed in this statement, and we could perceive the workings of the natural laws of this realm and their impact upon our minds and thinking, we would immediately understand why we are limited to less then ten percent of our potential of mind.   Instead of seeking out the spiritual significance of this absurdity, we believe that God punishes the children of sinners to the third and fourth generation.  

That the literal meaning of the written word is not worthy of our belief is even demonstrated in the Bible's own refutation of such a doctrine that the children of sinners will be held accountable to the third and fourth generation: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him” (Ezek 18:20 KJV).

The reader who pays close attention to the scriptures will immediately question why God would hold innocent children accountable for the sins of their forefathers to the third and fourth generation?   Is this the righteousness of God?   Or, are we supposed to seek the inner meaning of the scriptures, and learn what great spiritual truth the Bible is attempting to convey to us with regard to the third and fourth sequential generation?

In view of the fact that such an absurdity was written so that men of a reasonable mind could not believe such statement literally, we would do well to learn from the first Christians, and investigate their mindset regarding the nature of scripture?   In the introduction of the early Christian writing known as the Shepard of Hermas, it is written: “The Pastor of Hermas was one of the most popular books, if not the most popular book, in the Christian Church during the second, third, and fourth centuries... In ancient times two opinions prevailed in regard to the authorship. The most widely spread was, that the Pastor of Hermas was the production of the Hermas mentioned in the Epistle to the Romans. Origen states this opinion distinctly, and it is repeated by Eusebius and Jerome”.

If it is true that the Pastor of Hermas was one of the most important scriptural authorities over the first four centuries, then we can use it in our endeavor to better understand the essence of early Christian thought.   What the Shepherd of Hermas has to say is very important to us today, because it represents the scriptural tradition that was taught directly to the faithful flock by the Apostles of Christ.  Thus, on the nature of scripture, in the Shepherd we find: “I am senseless, sir, say I, and do not understand these parables. For how she can crush out, and on the other hand save, I do not perceive. Listen, says he. Those who have never searched for the truth, nor investigated the nature of the Divinity, but have simply believed, when they devote themselves to and become mixed up with business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world, do not perceive the parables of Divinity; for their minds are darkened by these actions, and they are corrupted and become dried up. Even as beautiful vines, when they are neglected, are withered up by thorns and divers plants, so men who have believed, and have afterwards fallen away into many of those actions above mentioned, go astray in their minds, and lose all understanding in regard to righteousness; for if they hear of righteousness, their minds are occupied with their business, and they give no heed at all. Those, on the other hand, who have the fear of God, and search after Godhead and truth, and have their hearts turned to the Lord, quickly perceive and understand what is said to them, because they have the fear of the Lord in them. For where the Lord dwells, there is much understanding. Cleave, then, to the Lord, and you will understand and perceive all things”.

The message that is very clear from this early Christian writing is that it is impossible to mature spiritually, while attempting to divide oneself between the two worlds.   In our present day culture we are living proof as to the validity of the wisdom that is portrayed in this writing -- i.e., one cannot perceive the true meaning of the parables and the inner significance of the historical narrative of the scriptures, while one devotes their lives to their “business, and wealth, and heathen friendships, and many other actions of this world” -- which would include an addiction to television, computer games, internet pornography, and all the many leisure’s and entertainments that captivate and control our every-day lives.   Fundamentally, what this universally accepted first century writing conveys is that, contrary to what is being preached in our pulpits, the Sunday go to church people who live culturized lives over the course of the rest of the week, are incapable of fulfilling the requirements of the Word of God.

In the Shepherd of Hermas a reference is made to a tower, of which it is written: “And the tower, I asked, what does it mean? This tower, he replied, is the Church. And these virgins, who are they? They are Holy Spirits, and men cannot otherwise be found in the kingdom of God unless these have put their clothing upon them: for if you receive the name only, and do not receive from them the clothing, they are of no advantage to you. For these virgins are the powers of the Son of God. If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.  

In understanding what is written, it is most important for us to be aware of the continual message found in the words: “If you bear His name but possess not His power, it will be in vain that you bear His name”.   Thus, if you call yourselves Christian, but fail to purify and develop your mind and body from the defilements of this world -- and do not possess the true Knowledge of the Spiritual Christ -- and have not yourselves inherited the same higher powers of mind that the Son of God promised all his followers would possess -- then “it will be in vain that you bear His name”.

Everything throughout the scriptures, including the New Testament, has three meanings, as proclaimed in the Proverbs: “And do thou describe these things to thyself in a threefold manner, in counsel and knowledge, and that thou mayest answer the words of truth to those who have proposed them to thee”.   In explaining this great truth, Origen writes of the miracles of Jesus: “…so also there were many dead in the days of Jesus, but those only rose from the grave whom the Logos knew to be fitted for a resurrection, in order that the works done by the Lord might not be merely symbols of certain things, but that by the very acts themselves He might gain over many to the marvelous doctrine of the Gospel. I would say, moreover, that, agreeably to the promise of Jesus, His disciples performed even greater works than these miracles of Jesus, which were perceptible only to the senses. For the eyes of those who are blind in soul are ever opened; and the ears of those who were deaf to virtuous words, listen readily to the doctrine of God, and of the blessed life with Him; and many, too, who were lame in the feet of the 'inner man,' as Scripture calls it, having now been healed by the word, do not simply leap, but leap as the hart, which is an animal hostile to serpents, and stronger than all the poison of vipers. And these lame who have been healed, receive from Jesus power to trample, with those feet in which they were formerly lame, upon the serpents and scorpions of wickedness, and generally upon all the power of the enemy; and though they tread upon it, they sustain no injury, for they also have become stronger than the poison of all evil and of demons” (Symbols of miracles; Origen, Contra Celsum).

What these words demonstrate to us is the great truth that both life, and the scriptures, is a great deal more than what we perceive it to be.   The secret to understanding the Bible, which is the key to the knowledge of life itself, was possessed by the early church, and can still be embraced in the words of Origen when he responded to Celsus that the Christ still visits the Godly, as seen in the words: “I maintain that even after His incarnation, He is always found by those who possess the acutest spiritual vision to be most God-like”.   Thus, the secret, then, is not in what one believes -- for all philosophical belief is at best a mere shadow of reality -- but rather, all the great Truths of Creation belong to those who are willing to live their life in accordance with the teachings of The Way, in order to make themselves a fit vessel for the Son of God to come and make his abode within them, and personally reveal the Mysteries of God and the Sacred Secrets of Creation.

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The below web sites are written in the name of Allan Cronshaw, which is my birth name in this present life.   The manner in which these other web sites are composed is very different than on this one -- wherein, on these other web sites there is an attempt to document and demonstrate every proof and concept of TheWay using a multitude of resources and biblical verses -- while on this web site there is no other authority than Jacob writing to you as the Brother Of Yeshua who was the leader of the Hebrew/Christian movement of TheWay.   In the recently discovered Gospel of Thomas it is written: (12) The disciples said to Jesus, "We know that you will depart from us. Who is to be our leader?" Jesus said to them, "Wherever you are, you are to go to James the righteous, for whose sake heaven and earth came into being."   So to once again restore the teachings of TheWay which is today known as Christianity, the Lord has sent Jacob/James, the Brother of Yeshua/Jesus, back into the world in order to guide the faithful flock into the Truth, the Light, and the Kingdom within (Luke 17:20-21).   It is there that my brother Yeshua/Jesus awaits you.

The above warning with respect to the predicted corruption of Yeshua's teachings is further stated in the first century writings known today as the Clementine Recognitions where it is written: "Our Lord and Prophet, who hath sent us, declared to us that the wicked one, having disputed with Him forty days, and having prevailed nothing against Him, promised that he would send apostles from amongst his subjects, to deceive.  Wherefore, above all, remember to shun apostle or teacher or prophet who does not first accurately compare his preaching with that of James, who was called the brother of my Lord, and to whom was entrusted to administer the church of the Hebrews in Jerusalem, — and that even though he come to you with witnesses: lest the wickedness which disputed forty days with the Lord, and prevailed nothing, should afterwards, like lightning falling from heaven upon the earth, send a preacher to your injury, as now he has sent Simon upon us, preaching, under pretense of the truth, in the name of the Lord, and sowing error. Wherefore He who hath sent us, said, ‘Many shall come to me in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits ye shall know them.’" 

Again it is warned by Clement: "Wherefore observe the greatest caution, that you believe no teacher, unless he bring from Jerusalem the testimonial of James the Lord’s brother, or of whosoever may come after him. For no one, unless he has gone up thither, and there has been approved as a fit and faithful teacher for preaching the word of Christ, — unless, I say, he brings a testimonial thence, is by any means to be received. But let neither prophet nor apostle be looked for by you at this time, besides us. For there is one true Prophet, whose words we twelve apostles preach"

As predicted, the ministers of Satan have succeeded in altering the teachings of my brother Yeshua, and continue to lead many into the abyss of darkness.   But have no fear my brothers and sisters, for the teachings of TheWay has been restored so that you might be able to overcome the darkness, and enter the Kingdom of Light within you (Luke 17:20-21). 

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The Brother Of Yeshua/Jesus: 2000 years ago I lived as Jacob who many all James, and I was known as the Brother of Yeshua and the first leader of the New Covenant movement of TheWay which is today known as Christianity.  I was sent back into the world to restore the teachings of my brother Yeshua to their original spiritual essence, and to guide you in TheWay that is "narrow" so you will be able to open the "strait gate" within you and enter the Kingdom that Yeshua declared must be attained through the second birth.

The Ebionite HomePage: If you call yourself a Christian, Jew, Messianic believer, Evyonim, Nazarene or Muslim, then it is imperative that you learn of the Ebionites who are True Spiritual Israel -- They are the Poor Ones to the ways and thinking of this world -- The Ebionites were the Israelites of the Nazirene Vow They are/were the Genuine Disciples of Yeshua/Jesus who are in the world and not of it! 

The Nazirene HomePage: The original spiritual teachings of Yeshua/Jesus as practiced by the people of The Way who where known historically as the Essenes, Ebionites, and Nazirenes. The teachings of The Way are Spiritual -- and provide a means to open the "strait gate" into the Kingdom while still physically alive in the body/vessel.

The Light Of Yeshua -- The Messianic Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: While many teach that believers are saved by faith, the journey of the disciple of Yeshua is one of absolute dedication to The Way. The disciple who becomes a brother to Yeshua must live as he lived, and become a Nazirene who is consecrated and wholly set apart as they walk the Narrow Way, enter into the Kingdom through the Strait Gate, and learn directly from the L-rd -- the One Rabbi and Teacher of the Mysteries of G-d.
TheWay of the Nazirene Rings HomePage: This is the Ring Home page of TheWay of the Nazirene. It will provide you with a listing of all the Nazirene Rings, and a brief description of the importance of walking in The Way and entering the Kingdom of God before physical death occurs. Come visit and learn the essence of the teachings of Jesus/Yeshua that were lost by the institutionalized church.

The Long Island Mystic and Nazirene Disciple of TheWay: The Organizational HomePage of The Nazirene -- the Long Island Mystic, Evangelical Minister, and Prophet of TheWay -- who God bestowed upon him the gift of the recall of his previous life as a Disciple and Brother of Messiah/Christ -- and thus has re-entered this world at the present time in order to restore the Spiritual Essence and Teachings of his Master, Yeshua/Jesus. The Kingdom is within! And we must sojourn the narrow path of TheWay, enter the "strait gate" to the Inner Spiritual Temple, while still alive in the physical body.  Thus, modern Christians have misunderstood the words of Yeshua -- he never said that we must physically die to enter the Edenic Kingdom of Origination -- but rather, we must die to the culture, mindset and ways of this world in order to enter the Kingdom! 




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